Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Student Uniforms essays

Student Uniforms essays Picture yourself when you were 17 again, right before walking into your math class. As you are entering, all 32 heads raises up to glance as if you were walking down the red carpet in Hollywood. It could be one of those latest flare jeans from GAP. Doesnt anybody pay attention to whats on the chalkboard rather than being curious of what other students are wearing or even think? The school should adapt a mandatory rule where all students are required to wear uniforms. The adoption of school uniform polices can promote a school safety, improve discipline, and enhance the learning environment. If teenagers are willing to participate in wearing uniforms in an educational environment, they will be able to achieve better grades. One of the important ways how uniforms can benefit a student is by eliminating the distractions whenever a student wears the latest trend or designer clothes. For an example, if one of my closest friends came to school wearing a pair of blue dirty faded Diesel jeans, it would catch my attention right away because Im more focused on where she got her new jeans then reading my text book. According to the Archived Information, a legislative act posted a mandatory policy for the state of Washington at South Shore Middle School. Students were able to purchase a uniform at a reasonable cost. The uniforms prices were ranging from 25$ to 30$. In comparison, it was much cheaper to buy uniforms than to purchase the high fashion clothes from the mall especially for a low income family. The American values usually include in stilling students with discipline that allows them to attain the essentials of good citizenship. It is one of the beneficial ways that will keep parents and students resist peer pressure. There is usually a group of people who claims to be popular by enforcing other young adults to wear certain clothes in order to fit into their clique. A stud ...

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